Regulamin nostryfikacji

Zarządzenie Rektora Nostryfikacja


General information

Recognition (nostrification) is a procedure aimed at determining the Polish equivalent of a foreign diploma. A foreign diploma that cannot be recognised as equivalent to a relevant Polish diploma and professional title under an international agreement on equivalence is subject to the recognition procedure (Article 327(1) of the Act of 20 July 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 85).

Who conducts the recognition procedure

The recognition procedure, in the discipline to which the application refers to, is carried out by a university with an academic category of A+, A or B+ (a list of universities and categories assigned is available on the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.


Procedure of initiation of recognition proceedings

Rules of the recognition procedure:

  1. Documents filed in relation to recognition proceedings conducted at the Faculty of Medicine with the Division of Dentistry, Medical University of Lodz, may be submitted once a year, in March, with prior appointment by phone. Documents are initially verified and accepted by an employee of the Dean’s Office.
  2. The Candidate is required to personally submit the following documents to the Dean’s Office of the Division of Dentistry:
  1. Application for conducting the recognition procedure, including annexes;
  2. Statement on the place and date of birth;
  3. Statement which confirms that the Candidate is aware of the rules of the recognition procedure;
  4. Statement including the consent to personal data processing;
  5. Copy of and the original higher education diploma (made available for verification); it should include an apostille clause affixed on the original diploma or attached to
    the document;
  6. Copies of and original documents (made available for verification) allowing the assessment of the course of study, learning outcomes achieved and the duration of study, including:
    1. diploma supplement or a transcript including information on passed exams or credits awarded,
    2. list of courses and grades or a student record book,
    3. contents or syllabuses of completed courses,
    4. certificates on work placement, with specified time and place of completion (if it was an integral part of the programme of study), and the programme scope.
  7. A copy of and the original certificate, diploma or other documents (made available for verification) based on which the Applicant was admitted to studies;
  8. In In the case of a change of the surname to a surname different from that for which the diploma was issued, the Applicant is required to submit a statement on the change of surname and a document certifying the change of surname (made available for verification).
  1. Persons filing documents for recognition proceedings are required to keep themselves informed of the time limit for the submission thereof.
  2. The Candidate is obliged to pay the fee for the recognition procedure within 14 days of the date of submission of the documents listed in paragraph 2.
  3. The amount to be paid and the account number are provided on the Faculty website.
  4. The recognition procedure will not be initiated in relation to diplomas of candidates who did not pay the fee within the time limit referred to in paragraph 4, and their documents will be returned.



The fee for the recognition procedure in the amount of PLN 4,685.00 must be paid within 14 days from the date of submission of the required documents.
The procedure for diploma recognition for a Candidate who has not paid the fee in due time will not be initiated.

The fee should be transferred to the following bank account”
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi [Medical University of Lodz (MUL)], Al. Kościuszki 4 90-419 Łódź
Transfer name: Wydział Lekarski UM [Faculty of Medicine, MUL], nostryfikacja dyplomu lekarza dentysty + imię i nazwisko [recognition procedure regarding the diploma of a dentist + full name] PL 46 1050 1461 1000 0005 0378 4118    ING Bank Śląski

List of textbooks – LINK


Comparing learning outcomes

  1. During the substantive assessment of the application, the Recognition Committee of the Dental Division compares relevant learning outcomes.
  2. If differences in learning outcomes are found, the Recognition Committee of the Dental Division decides to conduct an examination to compare learning outcomes in
    the following subject areas:
  • dental surgery
  • orthodontics
  • periodontology
  • prosthodontics
  • developmental age dentistry
  • conservative dentistry
  • endodontics
  1. Candidates are notified of the date of the examination by e-mail and registered letter.
  2. Based on the result of the examination comparing learning outcomes, the Recognition Committee of the Dental Division adopts a resolution on recognition or refusal to recognise the equivalence of the diploma.
  3. The list of relevant textbooks is provided on the website of the Dental Division.

Examination for comparing learning outcomes

  1. The examination may be taken by Candidates whose names appear in the report of
    the Recognition Committee of the Dental Division only.
  2. The examination is conducted by the Medical Examinations Center of the Medical University of Lodz, in accordance with the Regulations of the Medical Examinations Center.
  3. Each Candidate is notified of the date and place of examination by e-mail and registered letter. In exceptional cases, it is possible to change the date of the examination, of which Candidates will be informed in advance.
  4. Persons who did not pay the recognition fee by the day of the examination will not be allowed to take it.
  5. Persons taking the recognition examination will be allowed to enter the examination room after their identity has been established based on a document with a photograph.
  6. The examination is a computer-based test consisting of 140 questions in Polish, related to 7 subject areas included in the Medical-Dental Final Examination (dental surgery – 20 questions, orthodontics – 20 questions, periodontology – 20 questions, prosthodontics – 20 questions, developmental age dentistry – 20 questions, conservative dentistry – 20 questions, endodontics – 20 questions). Five answer options are assigned to each question, with only one of them being correct.
  7. The condition for recognition of the equivalence of learning outcomes achieved by
    a Candidate at their home university with the learning outcomes of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Lodz is that they obtain a minimum of 60% of correct answers.
  8. The following grading scale is applied:
    • 60% – 68% of points – 3.0 (sufficient)
    • over 68% up to 76% of points – 3.5 (satisfactory)
    • over 76% up to 84% of points – 4.0 (good)
    • over 84% up to 92% of points – 4.5 (very good)
    • over 92% up 100% points – 5.0 (excellent)
  9. If any restricted questions submitted by a Candidate during the examination are taken into account, calculation of the percentage of correct answers will be based on a respectively lower number of questions.
  10. Candidates are forbidden to use any aids (dictionaries, textbooks, etc.) brought to the examination, or equipment for communicating, recording and storing information (e.g., electronic calendars, cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc.). It is forbidden to use such tools/devices even if they do not contain relevant information.
  11. A Candidate who communicates with another Candidate during the examination or uses any support materials will be removed from the room and awarded a negative examination result.
  12. Persons watching candidates during the examination may answer questions regarding examination organization only. They may not provide answers or comments regarding the substantive content of the examination.
  13. Any comments on test questions should be made on an ongoing basis during the examination. Any remarks concerning ambiguity of questions submitted afterwards will not be considered.
  14. Failure to appear at the examination is deemed as failure to meet the pass threshold and results in refusal to recognise the equivalency of a diploma.